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코로나바이러스 영어일기 - Coronavirus diaries #1 (feat. Dr Tim Keller)

by Ariel All Ways 2020. 3. 26.

Coronavirus diaries #1 - <Time for a change>



This will be my first blog post in English (and the pressure coming from that! Haha).

And I should firstly put it on the table that I felt led to write it in English because I was just listening to Dr Timothy Keller's sermon addressing some of the big questions surrounding this coronavirus situation the world is facing.
I have only listened to less than a half of the entire video and will likely to continue watching after I finish writing this piece, but wanted to jot down some of my thoughts and feelings that arose while watching.


I guess I was too naive in my view for this entire crisis. I turned my eyes from those in need and pain for the sake of securing my comfort zone. I didn't want to face the fact that so many of the people in the globe are currently in a near life-or-death situation and financially breaking. This was just too much for me  and there are always easy and happy things to look at instead of choosing to let your heart grow heavy. 

But this question arose while I was listening to Pastor Tim Keller - what if these things happened to me? Would I be still talking sunshine and rainbows? And my answer was, probably not.

Then I came to realize that I was unprepared to face the gravity of the situation with the belief that I'm holding in Christianity. I am not ready.


I should probably be more awake to God's call in the midst of all this. I should try my best to listen to His voice and comprehend what He wants for me, for you, and for all of us humankind.

I always tell my friends from other countries that my heart goes out for them, but I feel my heart should go out for God first in order for me to be truly with them.


I pray for God to continue to shake me and awaken me to open up my eyes to witness His plans and His reign. It would be impossible in my own effort but through God everything is possible.



I plan to share more of my thoughts and ideas in this section of my blog so feel free to use them for your English learning and share your love by pressing Like and writing comment :)